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Tobor the 8th Man (1965) Complete Archive Collection

Tobor the 8th Man (1965) Complete Archive Collection

Murdered by criminals, Detective Tobor's body is retrieved by Professor Genius and taken to his laboratory. There, Genius performs an experiment that has failed seven times in the past; Tobor is the latest subject to have his life-force transferred into an android body. For the first time, the experiment is successful. Tobor is reborn as the armor-skinned android 8th Man, able to dash at impossible speeds, as well as shape-shift into other people. He keeps this identity a secret, known only to Genius, and his police boss Chief Fumblethumbs. Even his girlfriend Jenny and friend Skip don't know he's an android. As 8th Man, Tobor fights assorted crime (even bringing his own murderers to justice) to uphold justice and save the innocent.
This dub, made by T.A. Productions,

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